Monday, June 28, 2010

How Working With Microsoft Project

Ms Project is a part of Ms Office, Ms Project available in Office 2000 and above. Working with Microsoft project, you should follow the step on the plan and schedule your project’s tasks by follow the step on the below item.
  • Define the project
  • Define general working times
  • List the tasks in the Project
  • Organize tasks into phases
  • Schedule tasks
  • Link to or attach more task information
  • Add column of custom information
  • Set deadlines and constrain tasks
  • Identify risks to the project
  • Add documents to the project
  • Publish project information to the web or intranet
After planning your tasks, you can go to the Resources area to build your project’s team and assign people to tasks.

Define the project
  • Enter the estimate date of your project will begin
  • Your project online schedule allow you and your team members to view and update project information from web site or intranet.
  • Save and Finish
Define general working times
  • Project provides several calendar templates on which you can base your projects calendar. Your organization may also provide calendar templates. By default, resources calendar are created based on the project calendar you have defined. You can also created other base calendars to reflect different shifts and base a resources calendar on one of these base calendar.
  • Define which days for this project. 
  • Set holiday and Days off using dialog box. In the dialog box, select a date that should be a nonworking day, such as holiday or a day off for your organization. Under set selected date(s) to, choose Nonworking Time. Repeat for each date that you want to change to nonworking time.
  • Define Time Unit. When scheduling, project changes all time units to hours,. However, you can define the number of hours that make up a day and a week and the number of days that make up a month for your project. For example, if you specify that 8 hours make a day, the project calculates a two day task as 16 hours.
Been recommended that you set the setting time to match the working times you entered in the previous step:
Hours per day: 8
Hours per week: 40
Days per month: 20

  • The project calendar is set. You have set the projects working time, creating a base calendar that effects all resources. If all resources use this calendar. Then click Save and Finish.
List the tasks in the Project

  • List your project’s tasks. Use unique descriptive task names. In the duration column, enter the time required to complete each task, as a number followed by “hours”, day’s or ‘months’. Don’t enter start and finish dates yet. The project Guide will help you schedule task later. If you are not sure the duration, you can enter a “?” after the duration value to indicate an estimate. 
 You can import your task from excel.
  • Mark tasks that represent major events in the project as milestone. The symbol ■ indicates a mileston
Organize tasks into phases
  • Organize your project by creating a hierarcy. Where tasks are similar or will be completed in the same timeframe, indent them under a summary. Use the symbol below on the tool bar to….
Link to or attach more task information
  • You can add supporting information about a task by typing in a note. Task with attached notes have a note icon in the Indicator column. To view or edit the note, hover over or double click the icon.
  • To add a task note, select the task on the right under the Predecessors column head on the project table.
  • To link to information about a task, you can insert a hyperlink to another file or web page. To make your reference Text link can be viewed you must insert new column to your project table. Click Insert menu, click column, in the field name click one of the text field. Text1 through text 30. in the title box, type a title appropriate for what you plan to use the field for such as additional/hyperlink.
To be continue……